Sunday, August 29, 2010

Short Ride in a Fast Machine, Part 2

When I showed my first attempt at a time-lapse video of a car driving through traffic, I said I'd like to try it again on a Friday evening when the freeways have been very congested (sniffle, cough!, cough!) where I'd get to see more of the stop-and-go interplay between the lanes. And I wanted to take the video from the front seat where I'd get to see more of the roads and less of the car's interior.

I spent time at lunch securing the camera's tripod to the front of the front seat with bungee cords. It seemed rather stable.

Before I left for my drive home I checked the traffic conditions. It showed the freeway was moving right along. Very little red indicating slow traffic.

I'm disappointed. But what can I do?

I took a longer route to the freeway and got on one exit to south from my regular on-ramp. My plan was to get in one of the middle lanes where traffic seems to go slowest. But there was only a brief period of slow-and-go traffic. Oh, well.

Here's my latest movie of my commute home.


Shoe said...

I like the stop-n-go! Here's hoping for a sig-alert next time!

P-Doobie said...

Well, great. Now I'm carsick.