Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Single Man

This answers the question you've all been asking: "What does Chuckbert do in bed?"

Sometimes I sleep.

We see me in bed lit only by the hall light and the TIX Clock on the nightstand. I have terrible eyesight so I can't see a normal clock without moving my face right up to the clock. The TIX clock has big dots that I can see from my pillow. There are a couple of LEDs in the hours section that are very dim. When they happen to be the lights that are lit the light level goes down quite a bit. I think that is why this video flickers so much.

I set the camera to its highest sensitivity and put the camera into aperture priority mode at its widest F-stop. In this mode the camera sets the shutter speed to get the proper exposure. During the night the exposures were two to two and a half seconds long. Near the end when dawn is breaking the exposures are only ⅛ second long. Cameras are so smart!

The shots were taken every 20 seconds. They're played back at a rate of 30 frames per second. That shows us 10 minutes each second. An hour every six seconds. Whew! I need to rest!

There isn't a lot of activity here. I'm apparently not a restless sleeper.

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