Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Blob vs. Magneto: Final, Final Smackdown

My video of Crazy Aaron's Strange Attractor Thinking Putty swallowing a cube of Buckyballs that I featured in an earlier post is my most-watched YouTube video. It's had more than 260,000 views as I write this. It just went through a period of getting more than its usual number of views. One day it had 9,245 views. I was hoping to break 10,000 views in a day but the interest subsided. It gets a lot of comments.

Some of the comments suggest that I make another version of the video and let the putty fully engulf the magnets. I thought that that is a good idea so I tried it again. This time I kept shooting the putty vs. magnets for a full week. There's no way that the very stiff putty will completely wrap itself around my magnets.

I started with just three cubes of Buckyballs being surrounded by the putty. I realized that the action was slowing to a crawl so I added some more magnets. Then some more.

A bug makes a cameo appearance in the Blue Cube about 30 seconds into the video.

I went from taking a shot every two seconds at the beginning of the video to a shot every 45 minutes by the end. I play them back at a rate of 30 frames per second.

I added a timestamp on each frame so we can see how the action proceeds. It really gets slow by the end.

This probably will be my last video featuring Buckyballs and the Thinking Putty. It is a major effort to get them all out of the putty.

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